You’ve made it into law school and are now wading through each semester. The question you face now is, what will you do next? It’s ok to be unsure of what kind of career path you should pursue. You’re certainly not alone – many 2L and 3L students (and even some practicing attorneys) have yet to figure it out. It’s important to not limit yourself to particular career paths due to preconceived notions of what types of tasks and responsibilities the various professions entail. Unless you’ve been lucky enough to work or intern in several different types of offices, agencies, and practice areas before even setting foot in law school, you shouldn’t eliminate potential opportunities from your choices based just on what you may have heard or read elsewhere. It’s another classic situation where you don’t know what you don’t know.

To help you plan your career path, consider these 10 questions about your practice goals and values. Give some time to really analyze why you’re here and where you want to ultimately be. If you are still feeling overwhelmed by the endless choices before you, make an appointment with a CDO advisor to relieve some of the stress and help develop a career plan.