Do you miss having a quiet place to study free from pets, kids, and noisy roommates? Are you preparing to take the bar and keep getting interrupted in the middle of a cram session? Normally, the McGeorge library would be the first place students turn to. However, with COVID-19 likely keeping much of the campus shuttered for the next few months (at least), students must now look to outside services. In Sacramento, there are many co-working spaces outside McGeorge that offer a quiet place for students to work alone or with small study groups.

One location that’s popular with current students is the aptly named co-working office, The Spot. Located on 12th Street and under a mile from Capitol Park, The Spot provides a quiet space for students and working professionals alike. Be sure to ask about the student rate for a monthly desk ($60/month), which isn’t advertised online.Continue Reading A Study Space Away From Home