In an effort to address the need for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession, the Sacramento Legal Employers Diversity Collective and McGeorge School of Law have partnered to build a more inclusive pathway to law school. This partnership utilizes a four-pronged approach to tackle the lack of diversity in legal employment:
2022 SCBA Diversity Fellows
We are proud to announce that eight rising 2L McGeorge students have secured a Diversity Fellowship through the Sacramento County Bar Association. Elena Lucero, Jasmeet Kang, Jennifer Quarters-Styles, Kristale Chaney, Kyndall Banales, Marlen Gaytan-Leon, Mondis Vakili, and Shireen Hundal will join students from UC Davis Law School in working at some of the most…
2021 Annual Diversity Mixer & Resume Collect | Where It All Started
In 2021, the peak of the coronavirus, the McGeorge Unity Caucus (UC) saw a gap in much needed resources. Specifically, our students were not receiving the same opportunities to network as they had been when we could be in person. Additionally, in reviewing the yearly goals, one such gap was the lack of education on how to review the diversity initiatives of employers. In the legal field it is currently trendy to claim diversity and diversity initiatives, but some such claims do not hold as much weight as others. After brainstorming methods to address this issue, the idea of a resume collect and mixer was discussed. It would be paired with a discussion going over methods students can use to check firms’ websites for their diversity initiatives and helpful questions to ask employers to determine their actual dedication to diversity issues.Continue Reading 2021 Annual Diversity Mixer & Resume Collect | Where It All Started
Student Spotlight: John Paolo Gutierrez (’23)
As 1Ls prepare application materials in a bid to participate in the 2022 SCBA Diversity Fellowship, John Gutierrez (’23) shared his experience as a fellow in last year’s program and what it has done for his law school journey. Read John’s story below:

“I have always loved storytelling. As a child, my mother would lull me to bed with old Mexican-heritage stories from her abuelita that painted reminiscent pictures of Jalisco’s red-dirt ranches that we would visit in the hot summers. Although I did not know it at the time, these stories were my first cultural connection to my Mexican heritage. Their folkloric lessons introduced me to my family values and, in time, taught me to love my Chicano identity that seemed ever fleeting as my family assimilated into an American lifestyle.Continue Reading Student Spotlight: John Paolo Gutierrez (’23)
Surviving Law School as a First-Generation Law Student
First-generation law students often find themselves facing unique challenges and difficulties that many of their peers do not. From the general environment and structure of law school, to financial matters, networking, and even simply feeling like you belong with your cohort, it can be extremely taxing to try facing these issues by yourself. However, first-generation…
Alumni Spotlight: Melissa Aristizabal (’17)
McGeorge alumna and Wood, Smith, Henning & Berman associate Melissa Aristizabal (’17) was recently appointed to the New York City Bar Association Minorities in the Profession Subcommittee for a second year. Committee work is a service that, given the opportunity, we encourage all lawyers participate in because it allows for exploration of personal interests outside…
3 Diversity Programs from My Time in Law School

In the last article about diversity in the law, I discussed the need for diversity within the legal field. Here, I will discuss diversity efforts I have come across through law school.
Diversity fellowships, internships, and scholarships recognize the need for diversity in the legal field by providing equitable platforms for law students. I had no contact with the legal field prior to law school beyond what I learned in the undergraduate pre-law programs, and I was unfamiliar with how law school operated. The three programs discussed below showed me the importance of specific opportunities for diverse students.
Sacramento Bar Association Diversity Fellowship
During my first year, I learned about the Sacramento Bar Association 1L Diversity Fellowship. It encourages diverse law students to apply to firms and promote diversity in the legal field. Diverse students have an opportunity to apply to the fellowship, and if selected are matched with a Sacramento-area private law firm or organization. The program guarantees an interview for each applicant, which allows first-year students to practice interview skills for future opportunities. Further it shows students various firms’ commitment to diversity and inclusion. The program provides an equitable pipeline for diverse students pursuing legal careers in private firms.Continue Reading 3 Diversity Programs from My Time in Law School
Diversity in Law
Why do we need diversity?
Diversity in law brings diverse perspectives. As I read cases in my classes, I notice how laws and rulings impact a wide range of communities. However, the legal field does not reflect a diverse population. According to the American Bar Association, 2008 statistics show that only 34.4% of lawyers are women, 4.6% Black or African American, 2.9% Asian, and 3.8% Hispanic or Latinx. 86% are non-Hispanic white people. Further, in 2019, LGBTQ+ lawyers represented only 3% of all lawyers at firms that participated in a National Association for Law Placement report, and only 0.5% of lawyers identify as having a disability.
What do we mean by a diverse population?
Diversity means representation from a wide range of communities. However, representation is not enough. Systemic racism may be linked to the lack of diversity within the legal profession. It is embedded in various institutions within society and the legal profession is not excluded. Systemic racism exists when ideas of white supremacy operate in various levels of institutions. It is difficult to dismantle considering we are still speaking out against oppressive systems in society today. As diversity efforts in these institutional levels are pursued, it is important to understand that it is not isolated from civil rights movements. Rather, it should propel them forward by creating equitable access to the legal field.Continue Reading Diversity in Law
Student Spotlight: Ronald Ussery, Jr. ‘21
“Right place, right time.” That’s how Ronald Ussery, a McGeorge J.D. candidate in the class of 2021 who is interested in sports law, landed his new job with sports management firm, Accelerate Sports LLC. While attending a weekly event as part of the SCBA 1L Diversity Fellowship this past summer, Ronald was approached by…
ELS Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship Program
The Environmental Law Section is pleased to announce its Diversity & Inclusion Fellowship program for Summer 2020. The program provides law students an opportunity to spend 8 to 10 weeks over the summer practicing environmental, energy, land use, and/or natural resources law at a participating government agency or public interest organization. Each Fellow receives a…